What is the Immune System?

The immune system is a multifaceted network of organs, proteins and cells that synchronise with each other and work together to defend your body against infections while protecting the body’s cells. The immune system protects your body from infections through the presence of specific antibodies, bacteria, germs, viruses, fungi and toxins, which are chemicals made by microbes.

Autoimmune conditions result from the immune system attacking your body instead of protecting it. Some of the Autoimmune disorders include rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus (SLE), multiple sclerosis (MS), Sjogren’s Syndrome (SS), and mixed connective tissue diseases.

Some of the causes of autoimmune conditions are caused by a combination of intestinal permeability, known as leaky gut, and a hyperactive immune system that can damage various body tissues such as joints, bowel, brain, kidneys and other organs.

Some Signs and Symptoms

  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Swelling and redness
  • Muscles aches
  • Digestive disorders and abdominal pain
  • Swollen glands
  • Skin problems
  • Recurring fever
  • Difficult healing

Conventional Treatment

The main drugs used for Rheumatoid arthritis are steroids, cytotoxic and biological agents to dump the immune system activity, while other medicines are used to relax muscles for multiple sclerosis.

How we can help you to restore your Immune System Health 

Our Integrative Functional Approach can help you:

The restoration of gut health by applying the 5Rs will be a benefit.

Sometimes, removing allergens such as gluten, dairy products, or infections will significantly benefit.

Replacement of digestive enzymes

Repopulate the gut with friendly bacteria

Repair the gut wall with L-glutamine and other supplements, herbs, and food

Rebalance lifestyle with a healthy diet

Changes in lifestyles, such as adequate sleep, decreasing stress levels and adding physical activity, tends to calm and modulate the immune system activity.

We worked with clients to identify their specific immune system issues and empower them to restore and balance their immune systems with a personalised health and lifestyle plan. You will be supported and guided step-by-step to balance your immune system.

We address the root cause and design a personalised health plan to support your health and balance your immune system. We will help you by sustaining and restoring your Immune System health for the long haul with lifelong tools.


What is Osteoarthritis?

This condition is not an autoimmune condition; however, it is a degenerative illness. It occurs when the cartilage that serves as cushions located at the end of your bones in the joints gradually deteriorates through wear and tear; as the cartilage starts to break down, the bone ends may form bony growths known as spurs; this condition now seems as the joint damage. In most cases, this is due to inflammation and damage by free radicals. It is frequently linked to modern processed foods such as processed sugar, carbohydrate, and animal fat.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Pain in affected joints – may hurt after a movement or during
  • Tenderness
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Bones spurs
  • Join stiffness and swelling
  • Grating sensation

Conventional treatment

Conventional treatments provide symptomatic treatment with pain-relieving drugs. These medications range from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to morphine. Joint replacement is an offer to patients with severe joint damage.

How we can help you with an integrative functional approach

Joint pain can decrease as a result of various dietary changes and supplements. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating whole foods, physical activity, getting quality sleep, managing stress and developing secure and happy social connections, certainly helps.

Together we will design a lifestyle health plan for you, including a healthy weight and showing you specific exercises and other supportive therapies to relieve your pain and make your everyday activities easier.

Your Next Step

In-depth health assessment


  • A full in-depth health assessment (60 minutes)

ln-depth health assessment + 1 follow-up consultation


  • A full in-depth health assessment (60 minutes)
  • One follow-up (30 minutes)

ln-depth health assessment + 2 follow-up consultations


  • A full in-depth assessment (60 minutes)
  • Two one-to-one follow-ups (30 min each)