What are Sleep Issues & insomnia?
Insomnia can be a debilitating condition, and it feels impossible to sleep. Sleep is essential for regenerating and healing the body’s systems; if this is interrupted, your body may not function as it should.
The most common causes of sleep disorders:
- Poor sleeping habits
- Looking at bright screens in bed or 30min – 60min before going to bed,
- Seeping in on weekends.
- Sleep environment – light, noise and temperature
- Disrupt routine – shift work
- Eating large meals before bed
- Aches and pains
- Health conditions
- Medications
- Menopause symptoms
Some Signs and Symptoms
How can we help you on regaining your sleep
Together we will design a personalised plan to regain your healthy sleep pattern. This program may include setting up a routine for yourself, ensuring your bedroom is ready for sleep, avoiding caffeine before going to bed, and shutdown screens in combination with various body-mind techniques by healthwellbeingfirst.